Distance education brings together students and instructors separated by geographical distance. The CHTC's Distance Learning Program provides staff with the opportunity to participate in training experiences via the Internet within their local agency setting. Over one hundred twenty-broadcasts and training videos have been developed and produced by the CHTC with topics selected by the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS), Office of Family Wellness. Instruction via satellite and webcast has proven to be a cost effective means of reaching a statewide and often nationwide audience. Within that framework, broadcasts provide learning opportunities using lecture, role play and panel discussions. Topics range from "Safety and Sobriety: Real Tools for Working with Women with Multiple Abuse Issues" to "Diabetes and Tobacco: A Harmful Combination."
Black Maternal Health Week 2025
"Strategies for Saving Lives" presented on April 17, 2025
Registration closes on April 10, 2025
This presentation will provide information on how individuals can work to eliminate racial disparities in perinatal outcomes.
Viewing time for this presentation is 1:30 hours and has been approved for 1.5 credits.
Quiz: None
**Slides are not to be shared or copied to other websites**
Date | Satellite Teleconferences and Topics |
10/28/2024 | Preventing Sudden Unexpected Infant Death: Turning Data to Action |
06/04 - 06/05, 2024 | Black Maternal Health Equity Course |
05/21/2024 | Breastfeeding Aids and Devices |
04/17/2024 | The Fight Continues |
11/28/2023 | Understanding the Mastitis Spectrum |
9/19/2023 | Count the Kicks |
07/14/2023 | Postpartum Prime Time: Compassionate Lactation Care Through a Mental Health Lens |
05/04/2023 | Wake Up Call: Protecting Infants from Sleep Related Death, Part 2 |
04/27/2023 | Wake Up Call: Protecting Infants from Sleep Related Death, Part 1 |
04/24 - 04/25, 2023 | 2023 WIC Symposium |
02/07/2023 | How Comfortable are you doing Pump Fitting and Assessment? |
09/06/2022 | All Those Breastfeeding Myths: What Can We Do? |
08/01/2022 | USDA Breastfeeding Curriculum Videos |
07/21/2022 | WIC Health |
06/07/2022 | I Don't Have Enough Milk: Perception versus Reality |
05/03/2022 | Those Amazing Human Milk Oligosaccharides! |
04/19/2022 | Covid-19 Vaccines for Pregnant Persons & Children (webinar) |
04/05/2022 | Navigating the Day Care Waters: Assisting Breastfeeding Parents |
03/17/2022 | Peer Counselor Enrichment |
03/01/2022 | Baby Wearing; I Can Make Dinner |
12/7/2021 | Practical Strategies for Managing Human Milk Supply: Part 1: Preparing Parents to Lay the Foundation for Milk Supply |
2/2/2021 | D-MER: What breastfeeding moms might not be telling you |
7/7/2020 | Primetime: The First Hour |
6/2/2020 | Why Do Mothers Supplement So Early? |
5/5/2020 | Canceled |
4/7/2020 | Canceled |
3/3/2020 | The Use of Social Media to Support and Promote Breastfeeding |
2/4/2020 | Breastfeeding and the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Infant |
1/7/2020 | Canceled |
12/3/2019 | Canceled |
11/5/2019 | Working with Parents Who Exclusively Pump |
10/08/2019 | Canceled |
09/17/2019 | Canceled |
08/27/2019 | Celebrating Cultural Diversity Among Black Breastfeeding Families |
07/09/2019 | Skin to Skin Care: The First Step in Bonding |
06/04/2019 | Canceled |
05/07/2019 | Canceled |
04/02/2019 | Canceled |
03/05/2019 | Canceled |
02/05/2019 | Canceled |
01/08/2019 | Milk Banking in the Prairie and Dairy States |
12/04/2018 | Through the Microscope: A Closer Look at Human Milk |
11/06/2018 | Canceled |
10/02/2018 | Canceled |
09/11/2018 | Birth Control and Breastfeeding |
08/07/2018 | Canceled |
07/10/2018 | Watch Your Words: The Power of the Spoken Word in Breastfeeding Success |
06/05/2018 | Canceled |
05/01/2018 | Canceled |
04/03/2018 | Canceled |
03/06/2018 | Canceled |
02/06/2018 | Successfully Combining Breastfeeding with Work or School |
01/02/2018 | Canceled |
12/05/2017 | Canceled |
11/07/2017 | The Proficient Pumper |
10/03/2017 | Attachment Parenting for a Foundation for Successful Breastfeeding |
09/05/2017 | Tools for Supplementing Breastfeeding |
06/06/2017 | Canceled |
05/02/2017 | Canceled |
04/04/2017 | Canceled |
03/07/2017 | Making It Work: Supporting Nursing Moms at Work |
02/07/2017 | Breastfeeding: It Matters |
01/10/2017 | Helping Illinois Families Stay Enrolled in WIC: Getting to Know WIC to 5 |
12/06/2016 | Cornerstone Employee Information & Security Access: What A Program Coordinator Should Know |
11/1/2016 | The Breastfeeding Partner: How Dads and Other Special People Make A Difference |
10/04/2016 | Managing Your WIC Peer Counselor Team |
09/13/2016 | Ramping Up Professional Support for WIC Moms |
06/07/2016 | Canceled |
05/03/2016 | Everyone Wins with Summer Meals |
04/05/2016 | Helping Moms Gain Confidence in their Milk Production |
03/01/2016 | Preparing Moms for a Baby Friendly Experience |
02/02/2016 | WIC Income Determination & Certification Form Documentation |
01/05/2016 | Starting Solids with the Breastfed Baby: A Common Sense Approach to Complementary Feeding |
12/01/2015 | Canceled |
11/03/2015 | Canceled |
10/06/2015 | The Transfer Process in Illinois WIC |
06/02/2015 | Baby Behavior: Learning through Breastfeeding Case Reviews |
05/05/2015 | Peer Up Illinois! A Snapshot of Effective Peer Counseling Programs |
04/07/2015 | Canceled |
03/03/2015 | Supporting Breastfeeding in the Presence of Tongue Tie/Lip Tie |
02/03/2015 | EBT Readiness in Illinois: Phase 2 - WIC Benefits Grouping/Base Date Stabilization |
01/06/2015 | Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome |
12/02/2014 | Bright Smiles Begin before Birth: Updates on Oral Health for Moms and Babies |
11/05/2014 | Canceled |
10/07/2014 | Canceled |
09/02/2014 | Breastfeeding the Infant with Cleft Lip and Palate |
06/03/2014 | The IDHS FOID Mental Health Reporting System |
05/06/2014 | Canceled |
04/01/2014 | Canceled |
03/04/2014 | "Overactive Milk Ejection Reflex and Oversupply in Breastfeeding Mothers" |
02/04/2014 | "Part 1: Enhancing Referrals of High-Risk Pregnant Women & Part 2: Using Caseload Composition Tools and Resources with the Family Case Management Grant" |
01/07/2014 | "Helping Breastfeeding Professionals Teach Baby Behavior" |
12/03/2013 | "Celebrating African American Cultural Diversity in Breastfeeding" |
11/05/2013 | "Enhancing Referrals of High-Risk Pregnant Women: An Overview of Case Finding Changes" - CANCELED AND RE-SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 4, 2013 |
10/01/2013 | "Cornestone Security Training Review" |
09/03/2013 | "Working with Mothers to Say YES to Breastfeeding" |
06/04/2013 | "Laid-back Breastfeeding, Skin-to-Skin, and Baby-led Attachment" |
05/07/2013 | Canceled |
04/02/2013 | "Growth, Intake and Feeding Patterns: What is Normal for the Breastfed Infant?" |
03/05/2013 | Canceled |
02/05/2013 | "Oral Motor Skills in Breastfeeding" |
01/08/2013 | "Tools for Reaching Breastfeeding Exclusivity Goals" |
12/04/2012 | "The Cornerstone Environment: a live chat" |
11/07/2012 | "Food Instrument Accountability: What Every WIC Agency Should Know" |
10/02/2012 | "Looking at More than Latch: Assessing the Breastfeeding Dyad from Hospital to Home" |
06/05/2012 | "WHO Grids and Autoplotting: 2012 WIC Risk Factor Changes" |
05/01/2012 | "Communication Skills: Vital to Breastfeeding Education and Assistance" |
04/03/2012 | Canceled |
03/06/2012 | Canceled |
02/07/2012 | "Supporting Breastfeeding Through the Use of Pumps" |
01/03/2012 | "Establishing Milk Supply (At Breast or Exclusively Pumping)" |
12/06/2011 | "Empowering Women to Choose Breastfeeding" |
11/01/2011 | Canceled |
10/04/2011 | Canceled |
09/06/2011 | Canceled |