State and local agency personnel working as Case Managers with the Family Case Management Program.

Registration for this course closes one week prior to the training date.
3 days
Class Times
09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

Purpose: To enable the learner to have the knowledge and skills required to meet program standards in the policies, practices and procedures of the Cornerstone software system. The classroom training is designed to address the needs of new case managers and cover each step of the Case Management process: client identification or outreach; assessment; service planning and resource identification; linking clients to services and coordination; monitoring services; advocacy and evaluation. The software training will provide a "hands-on" approach to the Family Case Management functions within the Cornerstone software system including: Client Enrollment, Completion of Assessment Tools, Development of Care Plans, Documentation of Case Notes, Referring/Scheduling Clients and Recording Time & Activity Logs. 

**Attendees are required to complete 9 web-based modules prior to the face-to-face portion of the training.**

  • Planner: Marlin D. Hollis, BA, MPA

Additional Information

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the dual emphasis of the Case Manager
  • Describe the basic principles of prenatal care as it relates to Family Case management activities including the development of Care Plans (assessments, medical information and case notes
  • Demonstrate how to enroll a new client on the Cornerstone system.
  • Describe the basic principles of newborn care as it relates to Family Case Management activities including the development of Care Plans (assessments, medical information and case notes).
  • Discuss how to encourage empowerment as a Case Manager
  • Describe the implementation/coordinator role of the Case Manager.
  • Identify target population and participant categories
  • Describe strategies for advocacy at the client and system levels
  • Complete a Family Case Management Client Care Plan
  • Demonstrate how to implement and coordinate service delivery, advocate on the client’s behalf and evaluate provided services.
  • Document information on the Time and Activity Entry screens.
  • Record immunization information
  • Update client records in compliance with Maternal Child Health codes
Natalie Bullock, BSN, RN
Cheri Coffman, BBO Coordinator
Cecelia Eckles, MA, BSN, RN
Linda Evans, MPH, BSN, RN
Kabria Jefferson, MSN, RN
Tracey Kreipe, PMHNP-BC, DNP
Sharon Madrigal, MSN, RN
Tasha Stone, MSHI, BSN, RN, CLS
Cynthia Wilson, MS, RN
Cortney Woods, BSN, RN
Syed Zaheer, MPH, RN
Jawanza Shannon, BS

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