State and local agency personnel working as Nutritionists, Dietitians, Home Economists or Registered Nurses who will hold the job title of Competent Professional Authority in the WIC Program.
3 days
Class Times
09:00 AM - 12:45 PM

Purpose: To enable staff serving as Competent Professional Authorities (CPA) in the WIC program with the skills and information needed in order to provide services to participants.

This course is offered virtually over 3 consecutive mornings 9am-12:45pm and will provide a comprehensive view of the role of the CPA.  This includes Anthropometrics, Diet Assessment, Risk Identification, Documentation, and Food Package Prescription, Referral and Scheduling and Benefits Issuance within the IWIC software system.

Additional Information

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the program enrollment and certification process for various WIC participant categories including: applicant intake and scheduling, required anthropometric data collection based on identified standards, nutrition assessment and education as it relates to establishing a baseline for individual nutrition counseling and risk identification, food prescription, completion of case notes, benefit issuance, and referral.

In order for staff attending this training to receive the greatest benefit, the attendee should have at least one month of experience in the role of CPA. Attendees must also complete the following on the CPA Orientation checklist:

  • 1. Illinois WIC Management Information System (MIS) Basics – All sections
  • 2. Review Administration PPM sections 4.1, 11.3 and 14
  • 3. Review Certification Standards PPM 4.3, 5 and addenda(s)
  • 4. Nutrition IWIC Assessment Guides (all categories)
  • 5. Review Nutrition Risk Criteria
  • 6. Review Nutrition Education PPM section 4.2, 6.1
  • 7. Review Supplemental Food Delivery PPM section 5.1, 7
  • 8. Illinois WIC Food Package Tables
  • 9. Illinois Authorized WIC Food List
  • 10. Complete the New User System Access Request; Initial Log In and Enrollment in both the Training & Production Environments; and WIC Coordinator must log into both the Training and Production environments to activate Staff Accounts & Assigning Roles.
  • By registering for this training, I certify I have completed the above Pre-Work to attend IWIC CPA Training
  • In order to receive a certificate of completion, you must attend both days and complete the assigned training scenarios
Mina Caban, BS; Marlin Hollis, BA, MPA; Monica Murphy-Hayes, BS, CLE
Training Type

Upcoming Events

Aug 06, 2024 - Aug 08, 2024 - Registration closes July 26, 2024
Sep 10, 2024 - Sep 12, 2024 - Registration closes August 30, 2024
Oct 08, 2024 - Oct 10, 2024 - Registration closes September 27, 2024
Nov 05, 2024 - Nov 07, 2024 - Registration closes October 25, 2024
Dec 03, 2024 - Dec 05, 2024 - Registration closes November 22, 2024
Jan 14, 2025 - Jan 16, 2025 - Registration closes January 3, 2025
Feb 04, 2025 - Feb 06, 2025 - Registration closes January 24, 2025
Mar 04, 2025 - Mar 06, 2025 - Registration closes February 21, 2025
Apr 08, 2025 - Apr 10, 2025 - Registration closes March 28, 2025
May 06, 2025 - May 08, 2025 - Registration closes April 25, 2025
Jun 03, 2025 - Jun 05, 2025 - Registration closes May 23, 2025