Our Workforce & Economic Development department assists in the eradication of poverty by helping families achieve financial stability through gainful employment, sustainable careers, educational programming, mentorship, and financial literacy. We maximize community resources—and our impact—by integrating programs and services through a holistic approach that provides multilevel interventions to meet the unique needs of each participant. We believe that people’s lives will be transformed when they are motivated and held accountable, have access to the correct tools, and are supported with encouragement and passion.
Violence Prevention Program
Restore, Renew, Reinvest. (R3)
Juvenile Redeploy Illinois
Urban Youth Employment Program (UYEP)
Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC)
Regaining Esteem Success through Active Restructuring Time (R.E.S.T.A.R.T)
Empowerment Program
Contact Information
(217) 528-0895
Location: 512 S. 11th Street | Springfield, IL