There are multiple ways to deliver secondary nutrition education (group sessions, individual education, self-study modules, support groups, web education). The Illinois WIC Program provides the following materials to assist local WIC agencies in incorporating concepts that engage the learner and meet the program expectations. Local WIC agencies should refer to the Nutrition Practice Guideline Standard-Effective Nutrition Education for details on requirements

NPS Effective Secondary Education


  • Bulletin Boards
  • Materials and Resource Library – IDHS Warehouse Items (for Illinois WIC Agencies ONLY)
  • Lesson Plans – The following include facilitated group discussions, activities and may include a Self-Study Module (SSM).
  • External Resources – These web sites include information that Illinois WIC uses to guide the development of our nutrition education resources
  • WIC Talks – These nutrition education topics include guidance for group, self-study (SSM) and individual education. The format uses emotion based concepts and is interactive, using facilitated group discussions and activities.
  • WIC Health – WIC Health offers stage of change based learning modules in English and Spanish. The website also has "Health eKitchen" which allows participants to view recipes focusing on how to use WIC Foods.